Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
More by Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
Bid Buddie
Bid Buddie3.0
BidBuddie is a live auction application that makes buying and selling easier than ever before! FEATURES SIGN UP All you need is your mobile number or Facebook login details. LISTINGS Add a listing with ease! Simply enter the item details, photos, bid start date, duration, and reserve price. B
Econet YoMix
Econet YoMix2.1
Econet YoMix allows Econet Wireless Zimbabwe customers to create their own bundle mix of Voice minutes, Data, SMS & Content services with guaranteed special offers.
Econet Wi-Fi Zone
Econet Wi-Fi Zone2.0
Quickly and easily find an Econet Wi-Fi Zone! Discover an Econet Wi-Fi Zone in your vicinity and move from your normal data connection to a wireless connection and continue to enjoy a fast browsing experience. Locate an Econet Wi-Fi Zone near you today with the Econet Wi-Fi Zone Locator and conne
My Econet
My Econet1.0
Download My Econet app to register yourself with exciting new services, add-ons, and more!
Econet Facilities Management
Econet Facilities Management-
The application serves to facilitate the quick reporting and resolution of faults within the entire enterprise.Eligible user should be able to report,Admin should be able to allocate a resource and monitor progress on the ongoing works.
This app is a digital Mbira App that simulates a real Mbira music instrument. It provides a brief background of what the Mbira is and how one can play it.
Buddie Beatz
Buddie Beatz-
Enjoy unlimited African music on Buddie Beatz music app powered by Econet Wireless Zimbabwe. Songs from top artists in different genres gospel, hip hop, afro jazz, afro fusion, sungura, etc.
Wellness (Vitalize)
Wellness (Vitalize)-
Econet Employee Wellness Management System brings together employee and corporate wellness by creating an environment that allows employees to actively manage their physical and mental health. Effective Wellness Management will ultimately drive key business metrics such as performance, attendance, r
EcoSure Zimbabwe
EcoSure Zimbabwe-
EcoSure provides affordable, reliable, and innovative life insurance solutions including funeral cover, hospital cashback, and personal accident cover, directly from your mobile phone.